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RAD51C as a novel susceptibility gene for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.
Technology Benefits
RAD51C as a novel susceptibility gene for hereditary: breast cancer, ovarian cancer, head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC).
RAD51C as companion diagnostic for PARP or TOPO I Inhibitors.
Technology Application
Professional societies and health care systems, risk-adapted personalized treatment, identify individuals with germline and/or somatic mutation(s) in cancer risk genes
Detailed Technology Description
A novel susceptibility gene for hereditary cancers. RAD51C, which encodes for a protein involved in DNA repair, has been found to be mutated in families with breast and ovarian cancer, but not in healthy control subjects
Type of Cooperation
Application Date
09/04/2010 00:00:00
Application No.
EP20100159524 20100409
- international:
- cooperative:
C12Q1/6886; C12Q2600/106; C12Q2600/156
Patent application
ID No.

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