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Novel Spectral Imaging Sensors That Impart Greater Efficiency, Reduced Size And Robustness To Images

Detailed Technology Description
This invention introduces two newclasses of spectral imaging sensors. Both classes of devices use spectrally and spatially patterned codedarrays, referred to as colored-coded arrays, to sense spatio-spectralinformation from a scene.   The spectralrange captured by the imaging systems can be within any region of the opticalelectromagnetic spectrum, from the UV to the long wave IR.  This is determined by the range sensitivityof the Focal Plane Array (FPA) detector, CMOS imaging camera, or photodetectorarray. Inboth types of imaging devices, the underlying spectral cubes are reconstructedvia computational algorithms.The firstclass of sensorsutilizes thecolored-coded apertures to first code the 3D underlying signal, the codedsignal is then spectrally dispersed using a prism or optical dispersiveelement. The coding is done at the image plane either by transmisivecoated lithographic masks,bycoated reflective micromirrordevices, or by crystal based spatial light modulators. The coded and dispersedfield is then collected and integrated by the 2D focal plane array (FPA)detector, or photodetectorarray, over their spectral sensitive response. The secondtype of spectral imaging sensors do not apply the colored coding in the opticalpath, but at the detector.This approachfirst modifies the incoming field by a dispersive element, such as a prism,optical dispersive element, or by a convolution-type coded aperture such as aMURA (Uniform Array).  The dispersedfield is then projected onto a FPA detector whose pixel elements are codedindividually by spatio-spectralsensitive film coatings. The colored coding at the pixel level in the CMOSimager or FPA can also be realized by integrating microscopic wedge filtersthat implement pixel level Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI).  In this case, the colored codes aredetermined by the length of the cavity on the FPI filter on each pixel.
United States
Application No.
Patent Pending
Denise M. BierleinUniversity of DelawareOffice of Economic Innovation and PartnershipsLicensing AnalystTelephone:  (302) 831-4005Email:
*IP Issue Date
*IP Type

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