Automatic re-meshing from a 2D grid to a 3D model (Technion)
- Summary
This technology is a method for re-meshing complex 3-d bodies with holes which are typical of CAD/CAM and computer analysis systems in the engineering and medical fields. Re-meshing is one of the most important operators of these systems since it enables adaption of the mesh for visualization, modeling, analysis and manufacturing and to improve the quality of these processes significantly. Existing meshing operators perform the meshing operation in the 3-dimensional space and therefore, the calculation is time consuming and exhaustive. Moreover, the re-meshing process is usually complicated and insufficient without feedback on the quality of the meshing.
This is a fast and qualitatively different meshing process based on a new approach utilizing topographical knowledge of the body. The method allows for a simpler process with great flexibility in changing the parameters of the meshing (shape of elements, density, adaptability, etc.) and provides feedback on the quality of the meshing. In this method the object is first parametrized to n parallel planes such that every hole is mapped to one of the planes according to its generators. From there, re-meshing is defined as a 2-d mesh on the planes. The 2-d mesh can be comprised of any type of element (e.g. triangles, rectangles, etc.) with geometric properties (e.g. equiangular, equilateral, etc.) The 2D mesh is define as a texture and is mapped to the 3D object. It is possible to change interactively the mesh density or element type by changing parameters directly on the 2-d mesh.
- Technology Benefits
- • Performs the meshing operation in the 2-D space so the calculation is more efficient
• Able to provide feedback on the quality of the meshing to ensure high quality mesh
• A fast and qualitatively different method for re-meshing
• It is possible to change interactively the mesh density or element type by changing parameters directly on the 2-D mesh
- Technology Application
- • CAD/CAM systems
• Mechanical analysis
• Additive manufacturing
- ID No.
- COM-0751
- Country/Region
- Israel
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