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3D texture synthesis and fitting (Technion)

The geometry of crystals, bones and other natural objects can appear random. But they possess characteristic patterns which help attain beneficial features, such as aesthetics or structural strength. It is possible to generate such patterns in 2D, using a sample pattern for reference. These methods are commonly used to automatically ‘heal’ holes in images, and in various other applications. Small patches are copied from the sample pattern (seed) and pasted in an empty area. The algorithm maintains high correlation between the source patch and the target zone, in order to maintain consistency. The 2D algorithms are not applicable in the 3D case, and no compatible algorithm for volumetric structures currently exists.Our technology makes it possible to reproduce patterned geometry, generated to match and fit seamlessly with existing geometry. The result will appear as a single continuous 3D structure. It can be used to fill holes in structures, replace unwanted geometry, or expand outwards from sample geometry. Our process starts with acquisition of an existing 3D model, and segmentation of the micro-structure mesh into sub-elements using neural algorithms. Each part is then classified according to shape and topology, which makes it possible to identify cavities. The surroundings of every hole are then analyzed to identify an area in the sample pattern that best fits the bordering surface. This analysis takes both geometric and topological aspects into consideration.
Technology Benefits
• Ability to automatically synthesize and complete 3D geometry, patterns, and random textures
• Create large geometry with patterns similar to those of smaller sample geometry provided
• Seamless interface between existing and new geometry

Technology Application
• Repair and mending of complex 3D models acquired by 3D scanning methods, such as archaeological findings
• Efficient RP of stronger objects using bone-like supporting geometry
• RP of bone implants, to fit exactly flush with the target bone’s hole surface
• Modeling and RP of automatically patterned and micro-patterned objects
• Automatic creation of unique 3D textures and patterns for virtual environments
• Adding detail to low-resolution models
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