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Mochi rabbit

麻糬兔那軟趴趴的身體,算是兔子界的變形金剛,最愛玩躲貓貓,愛吃甜食的牠們老愛躲在冰淇淋、蛋糕、咖啡裡面,就連生日蛋糕上的蠟燭,都有牠們的蹤跡!那柔軟的身體,一團團白白的、澎澎、又軟綿綿的體型,把那柔軟的姿態,結合自己最愛的甜點做發想創作。讓兔子不只是單純角色,不只是一張插畫,而是帶來甜蜜的感動!Mochi rabbit has a soft and flexible body, and loves playing hide and seek. They with sweet tooth always are hidden in ice creams, cakes, cafes, and even candles where you can find their trails. The design is inspired by combining my favorite desserts with the cute body of rabbits. We make it more than just a illustration and also share you the same feeling of the sweets.
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