Two Environmentally Sound Technologies or EST for Full and Direct re utilization of 1. WEEE or e Waste, 2. Plastic Waste and 17 Categories of Waste including C and D, MSW. International Patent under PCT applied for.
- Summary
- The present methods of extraction,re cycling, segregation,shredding, incineration, land filling or disposal into the ocean bed are costly, inadequate, inefficient,time consuming,cause leaching, are non environment friendly in both the Organized Sector and un Organized Sector after treatment or detoxification. Process of treating and re utilizing assorted WEEE and Wastes and Plastics or the Process of TRAWP offers a hundred percent solution and full re utilization for indoor and outdoor or external applications or utilization,in bulk with minimum time,expenses,efforts, almost nil GHG emissions, 1st stage emissions are nil and minimum 2nd or 3rd stage emissions and GWP for this invention is low and minimal. 1. Technology for Direct and Full Re utilization to a 100 percent extent, of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment or WEEE or e Waste as a raw material in manufacturing and construction sectors with a wide range of applications. This will reduce the consumption of fast depleting natural resources like wood from trees as well as soil,sand,stone, marble and granite from earth and mountains.Also,the rapid accumulation of WEEE all over the world is reduces or removed. Three nos Prototypes have successfully been prepared. 2. Process of TRAWP is a healthy and cheap alternative to the present methods of Plastic Disposal by land filling, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification. vinyloop or any other mechanical recycling process.Peoject Record: Four or 4 nos Proof of Concept or POC or Prototypes has been prepared successfully with WEEE and MSW contents, as illustrated. With this Technology ,WEEE and Waste or discarded Polymers, read as PVC, Plastic etc of both soft and hard variety will be of great value,even a polythene bag or sachet,old toothbrush or plastic or glass bottles shall be an asset. Mechanical treatment of these WEEE and TRAWP Prototype or POC, includes a portion Cut away and holes Drilled, proves this to be an improved, economical and more resilient replacement for Wood.
- Technology Benefits
- Technology Process of treating and re-utilizing assorted Wastes and Plastics or Process of TRAWP offers a complete solution ie full re utilization for indoor and outdoor or external applications or utilization, with minimum time,expenses,efforts, almost nil GHG emissions. 1st stage emissions are nil and minimum 2 or 3 stage emissions and GWP for this invention is low and minimal. Process of TRAWP is a healthy and cheap alternative to the present methods of Plastic Disposal - ie by landfilling, incineration, pyrolysis, gasification. vinyloop or any mechanical recycling process. This Technology also conserves forest and saves trees as it provides a tougher,resilient,aesthetic,economical, pest and rodent substitute for wood.
- Coverage Areas
- Solid Fuel, Other, Land

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