AsiaIPEX is a one-stop-shop for players in the IP industry, facilitating IP trade and connection to the IP world. Whether you are a patent owner interested in selling your IP, or a manufacturer looking to buy technologies to upgrade your operation, you will find the portal a useful resource.


在信德年展開之際,並慶祝梵二大公會議召開五十周年, 特別出版由宗座禮儀慶典辦公室教宗司禮長奎多.馬里尼(Guido Marini)蒙席親著的《教宗司禮長禮儀論集》, 作者/Author: 奎多.馬里尼 蒙席著出版社/Publisher: 慈幼出版社
Hong Kong

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