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收放式緊急碰撞护柱 (Utility model)

Disclosed is an extendible emergency bump guard post arranged underground comprising a base with open top, a post placed in the base not in use and in vertical place in use and a protecting hood movably connected with one end of the base, wherein when the post is located in the vertical or horizontal position, the protecting hood covers the opening top of the base. The protecting hood of the post of the utility model keeps aligned with the ground when the post is located in the vertical position or is buried in the base, the protecting hood and the base are detached in repair, when the post is contained in the base horizontally, the protecting hood is locked by a fastener to keep unauthorized personnel from the post, when the post is vertical, the protecting hood is also locked by the fastener, moreover the protecting hood prevents the post from being pulled from the base edge by unauthorized personnel thereby the post is easy and reliable.
Application Date
Application No.
Patent Information
SIU Kin Wai Michael
ID No.
Mainland China

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Mobile Device