In The Name Of Love · The Footprints
- Summary
- One evening, Promise returns home from work on this motorbike. His vehicle got smashed in a road accident and Promise has a narrow escape from death, but his right leg is severely injured. Under the intensive care of medics and Shadow, Promise is discharged from the hospital, but lost his mobility. Watching his wife silently takes up the duties of a caretaker and handles all the household chores. Promise is in deep agony. It is a final medical visit and the couples are hoping for some encouraging news. The result of medical examination is disturbing if not devastating: the femur (thigh bone) shows signs of osteonecrosis (cellular death of bones). And Promise has to face another surgery…
- Others
- Director: Sam Leong
Cast: Fiona Leung, Ben Wong, Jun Leung
Genre: Drama
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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