The First Stone
- Summary
- Fong was in his early twenties, a typical rich delinquent, hanging around with triad members all day long. One day, Fong and his friend lost all their money in the casino. To bail themselves out from the gambling debts, Fong decided to break into his guardian’s house to steal. When Fong and his accomplice leaving the burglary scene, they were discovered by Jenny, the young daughter of his mentor guardian, so he beat the young girl to death. After spending ten odd years in prison, he converted as a Christian. But his religious faith has not released him from the agonizing remorse of sins he once committed. Fong become a preacher and proceeded to receive the ordination as a pastor in August this year. But deep in his heart, there is always a haunting phantom – Jenny.
- Others
- Director: Sam Leong
Cast: Frankie Lam, Roy Chow, Pinky Cheung
Genre: Drama
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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