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A setup for Production of Arbuscular Mycorrhizel Fungi Inocula

本發明可提高生長速度, 提高Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) 接種菌的純度及 對重金屬的耐受力 。本發明涉及接種劑培養,提供一種培養叢枝菌根真菌方法和一種裝置。所述培養叢枝菌根真菌的裝置,即空氣培養室,包括一個不透明的盒子和一個盒蓋,所述盒蓋具有至少一個用以固定寄主植物的孔,盒內安裝有為寄主植物的噴淋系統。本發明中通過一個不透明, 盒蓋打孔,內置噴淋系統的氣栽室,利用氣栽法培養叢枝菌根真菌的接種菌, 提高了叢枝菌根真菌的接種菌的純度,便於存儲和運輸。
Technology Benefits
提高生長速度, 提高Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) 接種菌的純度及 對重金屬的耐受力
Technology Application
提高生長速度, 提高Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) 接種菌的純度及 對重金屬的耐受力的種植方案
Detailed Technology Description
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: CN101608159B
Application Number: CN200810067947A
Inventor: LI, Wei-zhan | WU, Sheng-chun | ZHONG, MING-JI | HUANG, Ming-hong | ZHANG, Gui-zong
Priority Date: 20 Jun 2008
Priority Number: CN101608159B
Application Date: 20 Jun 2008
Publication Date: 27 Mar 2013
IPC Current: C12M000100 | C12M000136 | C12N000114 | C12R0001645
Title: Method and device for culturing inoculant of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi | Method and device for a developing an inoculating bacteria of bacteria of fungi.
Usefulness: Method and device for culturing inoculant of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi | Method and device for a developing an inoculating bacteria of bacteria of fungi.
Summary: The device is useful for culturing inoculating fungus of Arbuscular mycorrhizal (claimed).
Novelty: Device for culturing inoculating fungus of Arbuscular mycorrhizal, comprises nontransparent box and box cover, where box cover has hole for fixing host plant, and box is installed with system for spraying aerial fog to host plant
Sub Category
Chemical Composition
Application Date
Application No.
ID No.
Hong Kong

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