Method for Attaching Silver Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes一種簡單製備銀納米顆粒修飾的碳納米管的方法
- Summary
- The present invention proposes a very simple approach for the decoration of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with silver nanoparticles. CNTs are dispersed in ethylene glycol via ultrasonication, which is heated at 160oC and mixed with silver solution. The resulting silver-CNT nanohybrid comprises of carbon nanotubes as the template and silver nanoparticles with diameter less than 10 nm decorated onto the CNT surface. The process described in this invention has distinct advantages of simplicity, being easy to be scaled-up for mass production and uniform particle size over any similar techniques of attaching silver nanoparticles on CNT surface.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. A novel method for the fabrication of silver decorated carbon nanotubes (CNTs)
2. Uniform decoration of silver nanoparticles with diameter less than 10 nm on CNT surface
3. Useful to integrate the properties of the two components in hybrid materials
4. Much improved electrical/thermal conductivity of silver-decorated CNT
5. Very simple process with capabilities for mass production
6. Undamaged wall structure of CNT after silver decoration process
- Technology Application
- - For versatile, multi-functional materials with enhanced properties
- For use in catalysis, energy storage, sensors, electronics and many nanotechnology-related fields
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: CN101683978B
Application Number: CN200910142389A
Inventor: MOU, Can-bin | CHEN, Cheng-huan | HONG, Chun-heng | JIN, Zhang-jiao | TANG, Ben-zhong | MA, Peng-cheng
Priority Date: 9 Jun 2008
Priority Number: CN101683978B
Application Date: 8 Jun 2009
Publication Date: 30 May 2012
IPC Current: C01B003102 | B01J002350 | B82B000300
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Method for preparing carbon nano tube modified by silver nano particles | A kind of prepared silver nanometre particle of carbon nano-tube method
Usefulness: Method for preparing carbon nano tube modified by silver nano particles | A kind of prepared silver nanometre particle of carbon nano-tube method
Summary: Manufacture of silver nanoparticles-modified carbon nanotube.
Novelty: Manufacture of silver nanoparticles-modified carbon Nanotube, involves heating solution of carbon nanotube dispersed in polyol, dissolving solution in another polyol, reacting and depositing silver nanoparticles on nanotube
- Industry
- Chemical/Material
- Sub Category
- Chemical/Material Application
- Application Date
- 8 Jun 2009
- Application No.
- Chinese 200910142389.2
- Patent Information
- Chinese ZL200910142389.2
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.376
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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