Thin-Film Transistors with Metal Source and Drain and Methods of Fabrication具有金屬源漏的薄膜晶體管及其製備方法
- Summary
- Thin-film transistors (TFTs) are typically formed in a semiconducting layer placed on an insulating layer. TFT structure with source and drain resistance is impossible to be lower than that offered by metallic source and drain by conventional method of silicidation or thickening of the source and drain regions. A relatively high parasitic resistance is obtained through the conventional way.
The present invention is the fabrication of novel TFTs with low-resistance source and drain regions. It allows the realization of such TFTs without complicating the fabrication process. In some variations of the novel TFTs, the fabrication process can even be simplified. The resisitivity of the latter is typically orders of magnitude lower than that of a doped semiconductor. Moreover, the TFTs resulted will have source and drain regions partially or completely replaced by a metal. The proposed process of realizing such TFTs can be performed at a relatively low temperature between 250 and 500˚C. The resulting TFTs will exhibit low source and drain resistance.
This invention can be used in active-matrix flat-panel displays as well as in high-performance scaled transistors.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. Lower source-drain parasitic resistance
2. Lower manufacturing cost
- Technology Application
- - Active-matrix flat-panel displays
- High performance scaled transistors
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US8222646B2
Application Number: US2006474665A
Inventor: Wong, Man | Kwok, Hoi Sing | Zhang, Dongli
Priority Date: 8 Jul 2005
Priority Number: US8222646B2
Application Date: 26 Jun 2006
Publication Date: 17 Jul 2012
IPC Current: H01L002910 | H01L002701
US Class: 257066 | 257347
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Thin-film transistors with metal source and drain and methods of fabrication
Usefulness: Thin-film transistors with metal source and drain and methods of fabrication
Summary: For liquid crystal display and integrated circuits.
Novelty: Thin-film transistor for liquid crystal display, comprises metallic source and metallic drain, each containing aluminum, silver or gold
- Industry
- Electronics
- Sub Category
- Semiconductor
- Application Date
- 26 Jun 2006
- Application No.
- US 11/474665
- Patent Information
- US 8222646
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.261S
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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