Use of Marine Fungus Originated Compounds as Antifouling Agents海洋微生物發酵產生的新型抗生物污損和抗細菌活性物質
- Summary
- Although experimentation on antifouling technologies for shipping has continued for approximately 100 years, metal containing antifouling paints continue to be widely adopted. These paints are usually copper or tin based compounds like tributyl tin (TBT) that can prevent fouling by continuously releasing the copper or tin into the surrounding seawater. However, these compounds have negative effects on the marine environment.
The present invention concerns alternative antifouling agents derived from marine microbes. It is based on the discovery that 3 strains of marine fungi and a deep-sea bacterium produce small molecular organic compounds that have antibacterial activity as well as inhibitory activity on larval attachment and metamorphosis of barnacle and polychaete.
On contrary to majority of the currently employed biocides, the antifouling effect of these new compounds is of low-toxicity and bio-degradability. Unlike other natural products with antifouling properties derived from marine organisms, the present microbial secondary metabolites can be generated biotechnologically in large scale utilizing commercially available fermenting technology. This new invention does not require the maintenance of a marine culture for large-scale production of antifouling agents, thus resolving manufacturing problems with geographical restrictions.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. Lower toxicity
2. Antifouling agents and antibiotics are bio-degradable
3. Production can be easily performed on land-based fermenters in large scale
4. Lower manpower requirements
5. Lower production cost
- Technology Application
- - Antifouling paints and coating for seawater pipeline, cables, fish nets/cages, apparatus for navigation
in sea, etc.
- Antibiotics for marine disease control
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US8257478B2
Application Number: US2005303610A
Inventor: Qian, Pei-Yuan | Li, Xiancui | Kwong, Fuk Ning | Yang, Lai Hung | Dobretsov, Sergey Vladimirovich
Priority Date: 16 Dec 2004
Priority Number: US8257478B2
Application Date: 16 Dec 2005
Publication Date: 4 Sep 2012
IPC Current: C09D000514 | A01N002532 | A01N003700 | A01N003718 | A01N004316 | A61K0031205 | A61K003134 | A61P003100 | A61P003110 | C04B000902
US Class: 10601505 | 106002 | 10601405 | 10601434 | 10601435 | 10601437 | 106016 | 10601832 | 424405 | 424406 | 424484 | 424485 | 424486 | 5140011 | 5140023 | 5140024 | 5140029 | 5140033 | 514458 | 514468 | 514529 | 514547 | 514554 | 514576 | 514734 | 514741
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Use of marine fungus originated compounds as antifouling agents
Usefulness: Use of marine fungus originated compounds as antifouling agents
Summary: (I) is useful for the prevention of biofouling e.g. microfouling and/or macrofouling (claimed).
Novelty: Preventing biofouling e.g. microfouling and/or macrofouling comprises applying coating comprising e.g. 3-chloro-2,5-dihydroxybenzyl alcohol, 3-methyl-N-(2-phenylethyl)butanamide or succinic acid
- Industry
- Environmental/Green Technology
- Sub Category
- Anti-Fouling
- Application Date
- 16 Dec 2005
- Application No.
- US 11/303610
- Patent Information
- US 8257478
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.244S
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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