Metal-Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon, Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films Produced Thereby and Thin Film Transistors Produced Therefrom非晶硅的金屬誘導結晶技術
- Summary
- Metal induced crystallization (MIC) is a promising technology for obtaining poly-Si based thin-film transistors (TFTs). It is conventionally a 'one-step process' that does not have the possibility to remove any metal elements during the crystallization hear-treatment. As a consequence, large amount of metal elements are accumulated and affect the quality of poly-Si formed and the performance of the devices.
This invention is the introduction of an in-situ technique to remove a controlled amount of metal elements during the crystallization heat treatment process. Removal of metal elements is done by introducing an a-Si thin film, prior to the crystallization heat treatment. A sufficient amount of metal elements is added to nucleate MIC and simultaneously remove some of the metal elements during the subsequent crystallization heat treatment. The quality of the resulting poly-Si is therefore improved and the amount of residual metal elements is reduced. The present invention allows large-area MIC with reduced metal contamination, reduced effects of glass shrinkage on pattern definition, improved device performance while retaining the advantage of a reduced process time.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. Reduced metal contamination
2. Better device performance
3. Shorter process time
4. Large-area crystallization
5. Reduced pattern distortion
- Technology Application
- - Flat-panel liquid-crystal displays
- 3G mobile phone displays
- PDA displays
- Computer Displays
- Sensors
- 3-dimensional integrated circuits
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US8088676B2
Application Number: US2006413073A
Inventor: Wong, Man | Kwok, Hoi-Sing | Meng, Zhiguo | Zhang, Dongli | Shi, Xuejie
Priority Date: 28 Apr 2005
Priority Number: US8088676B2
Application Date: 27 Apr 2006
Publication Date: 3 Jan 2012
IPC Current: H01L002120 | H01L002136
US Class: 438486 | 257E21297 | 257E21316 | 438386 | 438766
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Metal-induced crystallization of amorphous silicon, polycrystalline silicon thin films produced thereby and thin film transistors produced therefrom
Usefulness: Metal-induced crystallization of amorphous silicon, polycrystalline silicon thin films produced thereby and thin film transistors produced therefrom
Summary: Used for forming a polycrystalline silicon thin film for a transistor that is utilized for constructing an active-matrix liquid-crystal display.
Novelty: Polycrystalline silicon thin film forming method, involves crystallizing partially crystallized amorphous silicon thin film with deposited metal-gettering material into polycrystalline silicon thin film
- Industry
- Electronics
- Sub Category
- Semiconductor
- Application Date
- 27 Apr 2006
- Application No.
- US 11/413073
- Patent Information
- US 8088676
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.255S
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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