Hyperbranched Polymers
- Summary
- Optical limiting materials show a non-linear transmittance of light, with transmission varying with the intensity of the incident radiation. Transmission is high at normal intensity, but low for intensive beams. Such materials are useful to protect, inter alia, optical elements, sensors, or the human eye. There are not so many optical limiting materials. The best known such materials include fullerenes (C60), carbon nanotubes, phthalocyanines, and metalloclusters, but all of them suffer the disadvantage of being not processable and some of them are not stable.
The invention relates to a new hyperbranched polyarylylenes synthesized by catalyzed homo- and copolycyclotrimerization of mono- and diynes. All these polymers are thermally stable. These novel polymers developed in this invention possess special molecular structures that are difficult to obtain by other routes. These endow the polymers with unique materials properties. The polymers show strong optical limiting power and high photoluminescence efficiency. These polymers are very useful for developing optical limiting systems.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. Excellent solubility and processibility due to irregular structures
2. High thermal stability
3. Strong optical limiting power
4. High photoluminescence efficiency
5. Tunable composition and property by simply changing the monomer feed ratios
- Technology Application
- - Optical limiting system
- Light emitting devices
- Thermally stable coating
- Thermally stable resins and composites
- Surface modification
- Additives
- Tougheners
- Viscosity reducing system
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US7659353B2
Application Number: US200588135A
Inventor: Tang, Ben Zhong | Xu, Kaitian | Peng, Han | Sun, Qunhui | Luo, Jingdong
Priority Date: 28 Mar 2002
Priority Number: US7659353B2
Application Date: 22 Mar 2005
Publication Date: 9 Feb 2010
IPC Current: C08F003800 | C08F001202 | C08F001224 | C08F003600 | C08F013800 | C08G008300
US Class: 526285 | 526172 | 526313 | 526335 | 526346
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Hyperbranched polymers
Usefulness: Hyperbranched polymers
Summary: For limiting transmission of light or of emitting light, useful to protect optical elements, sensors, or human eye.
- Industry
- Chemical/Material
- Sub Category
- Chemical/Material Application
- Application Date
- 22 Mar 2005
- Application No.
- US 11/088135
- Patent Information
- US 7659353
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.152
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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