Biofunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles for Pathogen Detection生物活性磁納未顆粒用於超低濃度病菌檢測
- Summary
- Existing methods for detection of pathogens at ultra-low concentration are usually time-consuming. This is mainly due to the lack of general and satisfactory assay that could detect bacteria at concentrations < 102 cfu/ml without pre-enriching bacteria via a culture process.
A protocol is now invented, making detection of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria within 1 hour at concentration of around 10 cfu/ml. This new protocol uses biofunctional magnetic nanoparticles for capture and detection of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Data indicated that this new method performs at an order of magnitude more sensitive than the current best assay for bacteria detection based on luminescence, which the detection limit is 180 cfu/ml.
By combining magnetic nanoparticles with a specific ligand-receptor interaction, a sensitive and quick assay is introduced to allow bacteria to be captured and analyzed. It offers benefits in clinical diagnosis, food quality monitoring and bio-terrorism prevention. The high sensitivity provided by the biofunctional magnetic nanoparticles will also allow detecting other biological substrates at exceedingly low concentration.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. Instant
2. Sensitive
3. Low production cost
4. Simple to use
- Technology Application
- - Clinical diagnosis,
- Food quality monitoring
- Bio-terrorism prevention
- Environmental monitoring
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US7754444B2
Application Number: US2005159882A
Inventor: Xu, Bing | Ho, Pak Leung | Gu, Hongwei
Priority Date: 24 Jun 2004
Priority Number: US7754444B2
Application Date: 23 Jun 2005
Publication Date: 13 Jul 2010
IPC Current: C12Q000170 | C12Q000104
US Class: 435034 | 435005 | 977900
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Biofunctional magnetic nanoparticles for pathogen detection
Usefulness: Biofunctional magnetic nanoparticles for pathogen detection
Summary: For detecting pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, including Gram positive and Gram negative (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus , Staphylococcus epidermidis , coagulase negative staphylococci, E. coli , or Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE)) in a sample such as solid, liquid, and gas; and reducing pathogens in bodily fluids such as blood (claimed); useful in treating infection, clinical diagnosis, food quality monitoring, environmental protection, and bioterrorism prevention.
Novelty: Improved detection of pathogens e.g. bacteria in sample involves contacting biofunctional magnetic nanoparticles with sample, to form pathogen-nanoparticle complexes; using magnetic field to aggregate complexes and detecting the complexes
- Industry
- Disease Diagnostic/Treatment
- Sub Category
- Other Disease
- Application Date
- 23 Jun 2005
- Application No.
- US 11/159882
- Patent Information
- US 7754444
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.186S
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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