Optically Optimized Permanently Bistable Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Displays
- Summary
- There are many types of bistable liquid crystal displays (LCDs). Among them, the bistable twisted nematic (BTN) LCD has one of the best optical properties with good contrast and brightness. This display relies on adjusting judiciously the cell thickness to liquid crystal pitch ratio to produce the metastable twist states.
The present invention deals with the design of a permanently bistable twisted nematic liquid crystal display (BTN LCD). Such a display has two stable twist states with no applied voltage. The display can be switched between these two stable states by the application of special voltage pulses. Due to this bistability, no power is needed to maintain the display, once it is formed.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. It is a permanent display that does not require power and is simple to implement
- Technology Application
- - Low power liquid crystal displays (LCDs) such as e-book and e-paper
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US6784955B2
Application Number: US2001966968A
Inventor: Kwok, Hoi Sing | Guo, Jian Xin
Priority Date: 1 Oct 2001
Priority Number: US6784955B2
Application Date: 1 Oct 2001
Publication Date: 31 Aug 2004
IPC Current: G02F0001139
US Class: 349099 | 349179 | 349180 | 349186
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Optically optimized permanently bistable twisted nematic liquid crystal displays
Usefulness: Optically optimized permanently bistable twisted nematic liquid crystal displays
Summary: As BTN LCD.
Novelty: Bistable twisted nematic liquid crystal display includes liquid crystal cell, input and output polarizers, and chiral dopant added to liquid crystal
- Industry
- Electronics
- Sub Category
- Display
- Application Date
- 1 Oct 2001
- Application No.
- US 09/966968
- Patent Information
- US 6784955
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.148
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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