Transflective Liquid Crystal Device and Method of Manufacturing the Same适用于显示器的多晶硅薄膜象素电极
- Summary
- The present invention presents the construction of electrodes for liquid-crystal cells using metal-induced laterally crystallized (MILC) polycrystalline silicon (Poly-Si), and the integration of these electrodes in the construction of thin-film transistors. MILC poly-Si. This is shown to possess adequately high electrical conductance and low absorption of visible light. Integration is possible since the MILC poly-Si is also known to be a good material for the construction of thin-film transistors. Furthermore, the same dielectric material can be used both as the gate dielectric for transistors and insulators covering the electrodes.
Replacement of conventional indium-tin oxide by MILC poly-Si leads to process simplification, with the elimination of (1) deposition and patterning of and (2) formation of contact holes to the indium-tin oxide electrode. Ultimately, such replacement results in significant reduction of manufacturing costs.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. Novel
2. Elimination of deposition and patterning of indium-tin oxide electrode
3. Elimination of formation of contact holes to the indium-tin oxide electrode
4. Introduction of new materials results in significant reduction of manufacturing costs
- Technology Application
- - Flat panel display products including active-matrix displays based on poly-Si
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US8013957B2
Application Number: US2007915120A
Inventor: Meng, Zhiguo | Wong, Man | Kwok, Hoi Sing
Priority Date: 21 May 2005
Priority Number: US8013957B2
Application Date: 20 Nov 2007
Publication Date: 6 Sep 2011
IPC Current: G02F00011368 | G02F00011343 | H01L002170
US Class: 349114 | 257072 | 349043 | 438030
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Transflective liquid crystal device and method of manufacturing the same
Usefulness: Transflective liquid crystal device and method of manufacturing the same
Novelty: Transflective active-matrix type liquid crystal display device, has polycrystalline silicon film in which pixel electrode and active layer of thin-film transistor are formed, where silicon has large grain size
- Industry
- Electronics
- Sub Category
- Display
- Application Date
- 20 Nov 2007
- Application No.
- US 11/915120
- Patent Information
- US 8013957
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.199
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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