Method of Manufacturing an Integrated Electronic Microphone Having a Floating Gate Electrode
- Summary
- Miniaturized microphones are used in a wide range of applications, such as cell phones, hearing aids, smart toys and surveillance devices. It would be desirable to design such microphones and manufacturing methods therefore that allow batch production and allow the integration of the microphone with miniaturized devices having other functions. Microfabrication of various types of miniature microphones has been explored.
In the present invention, a device is proposed consisting of one or more microphones with micro-meter to milli-meter sized acoustic excitation pressure sensing membranes integrated with signal sensing and amplifying electronic elements. Acoustic excitation is converted to an electrical signal using a capacitor with an air-gap formed between a sensing membrane(sensing electrode) and a perforated rigid back-plate membrane(counter electrode). The capacitor can self-bias using charges permanently injected into an electrically floating electrode embedded inside one of the membranes. Alternatively, the capacitor can be biased externally. A process is now proposed to allow simultaneous realization of the mechanical component for acoustic pressure sensing and the electronic components for electrical signal processing is also proposed.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. Simultaneous realization of both the mechanical and electronic components of an "integrated" microphone using micro-fabrication process
2. Enhance device performance and reliability so that number of sub-components can be reduced
3. Simple process
4. High electronic programmability
5. High ease of integration
- Technology Application
- - Mobile phones, hearing aids, surveillance, toys, etc.
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US6677176B2
Application Number: US200250858A
Inventor: Wong, Man | Zohar, Yitshak
Priority Date: 18 Jan 2002
Priority Number: US6677176B2
Application Date: 18 Jan 2002
Publication Date: 13 Jan 2004
IPC Current: H01L002984 | H04R001900 | H04R001904
US Class: 438050 | 257E29324 | 381174
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Method of manufacturing an integrated electronic microphone having a floating gate electrode
Usefulness: Method of manufacturing an integrated electronic microphone having a floating gate electrode
Summary: Used as cell phones, hearing aids, smart toys, and surveillance devices.
Novelty: Semiconductor device comprises microphone formed in integrated way, and comprising sensing electrode formed as part of acoustic pressure sensing membrane, and counter electrode in form of perforated rigid back-plate membrane
- Industry
- Electronics
- Sub Category
- 3C/Gadgets
- Application Date
- 18 Jan 2002
- Application No.
- US 10/050858
- Patent Information
- US 6677176
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.162
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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