Method for Making a Highly Stable Diamond Film on a Substrate一種用來製備與鈦基體具有高粘合性能的金剛石薄膜的方法
- Summary
- This invention presents a multi-stage chemical vapor deposition method for producing a stable diamond film electrode coated on titanium substrate. The substrate temperature is programmed at different deposition stages. With this process, a high-quality multi layer structure is produced as the interlayer between the substrate and the diamond film. Good adhesion of the diamond coatings on the substrate can be ensured.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. A high quality diamond film can be produced on the metal substrate, especially for titanium, iron and its alloys etc., with high adhesion with the substrate
2. Producers of diamond film electrode and the diamond cutting tools can benefit from this invention. The quality and the working life can be improved with this invention
- Technology Application
- - Diamond film electrode
- Diamond film cutting tools
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US7833581B2
Application Number: US2007898112A
Inventor: Guo, Liang | Chen, Guohua
Priority Date: 11 Sep 2006
Priority Number: US7833581B2
Application Date: 10 Sep 2007
Publication Date: 16 Nov 2010
IPC Current: C23C001600
US Class: 4272498 | 42724911 | 4272497
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Method for making a highly stable diamond film on a substrate
Usefulness: Method for making a highly stable diamond film on a substrate
Summary: Methods of depositing stable diamond film on valve metal substrates when manufacturing diamond film coated electrode (claimed) used in electrolysis for wastewater treatment and in electrochemical analysis of pollutants in water. Can also be used for forming a tooth or blade for use in a cutting tool.
Novelty: Method of depositing stable diamond film when manufacturing diamond film coated electrode involves depositing diamond film on substrate by chemical vapor deposition and cooling substrate and diamond film during period of cooling time
- Industry
- Chemical/Material
- Sub Category
- Chemical/Material Application
- Application Date
- 10 Sep 2007
- Application No.
- US 11/898112
- Patent Information
- US 7833581
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.316S
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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