DNA Sequence Encoding a Retinoic Acid Regulated Protein
- Summary
- Retinoic acid (RA) induces the differentiation of many cell types such as epithelial cells and cancer cells. Clinically, RA has been demonstrated to be efficacious in the treatment of promyelocytic leukemia, a type of blood disease. RA has also been shown to affect patterning and neurogenesis in vivo. Since the discovery of the RA receptors that transduce RA signals, one major thrust has been to identify RA-responsive genes to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which RA involved in different physiological activities.
A novel cDNA sequence (Sequence 8.31) that is down-regulated during the RA-induced neuronal differentiation is identified. The gene encoded by this sequence might play a role in maintaining the embryonic identity of the neuronal precursor cells, the functioning of the placenta as well as the later physiological functions of the skeletal muscles.
Since RA is used as therapeutic agents for leukemia, this invention allows development of better approaches for the treatment of cancer cells. Moreover, the cloning of genes involved in RA-induced neuronal differentiation allows development of new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of neurodisorders.
- Technology Benefits
- 1. The cDNA sequence 8.31 is novel.
2. The gene is predominantly expressed in adult human placenta and skeletal muscles.
- Technology Application
- - Treatment for cancers
- Treatment for neurodisoders
- Supplementary Information
- Patent Number: US7276595B2
Application Number: US2003726160A
Inventor: Ip, Nancy Y. | Cheung, William M. W.
Priority Date: 14 Jul 1999
Priority Number: US7276595B2
Application Date: 2 Dec 2003
Publication Date: 2 Oct 2007
IPC Current: C07H002100 | C07H000500 | C07H001900 | C07K001447 | C08B003700 | C12N001500 | C12N001509 | C12N001563 | A61K003800 | C07K000200 | C07K000400 | C07K000500 | C07K001400 | C07K001600 | C07K001700
US Class: 5360235 | 4353201 | 5360187 | 5360221 | 5360231 | 5360241 | 5360242
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: DNA sequence encoding a retinoic acid regulated protein
Usefulness: DNA sequence encoding a retinoic acid regulated protein
Summary: (II) is useful as a screening tool for diagnosing Hepatocellular carcinomas and for monitoring treatment or progression of Hepatocellular carcinomas. (III) is useful for screening and determining the prognosis of a patient having Hepatocellular cancer, where the biological samples comprise liver tissues (claimed).
Novelty: Novel isolated retinoic acid regulated gene, useful for screening and determining prognosis of patient having Hepatocellular cancer
- Industry
- Disease Diagnostic/Treatment
- Sub Category
- Cancer/Tumor
- Application Date
- 2 Dec 2003
- Application No.
- US 10/726160
- Patent Information
- US 7276595
- ID No.
- TTC.PA.090
- Country/Region
- Hong Kong

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