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The system uses efficient algorithms for analysis of wave resonance in the Earth-ionosphere cavity, through which the location of storms and their intensity in real time can be determined. A single device for storm monitoring already records signals from all lightning on Earth. The application of several to several dozen stations with recording equipment distributed relatively evenly over the globe, in different continents in conjunction with the computing algorithm, allows for precise imaging o
Technology Benefits
The subject of the offer is the global system for testing, monitoring and foreing storm activity in real time based on propagation of electromagnetic field signals of extremely low frequency (ELF, 3-3000 Hz). Data on storm activity are significant for early warning in case of the lightning hazard.

Global system for testing, monitoring and foreing storm activity also gives an opportunity to study atmospheric chemistry - measurements of nitrogen oxides as a function of time, in tropical inacce
Application No.
Coverage Areas
EPO, USA, Russia, Japan, India, China, Korea, Canada, Brazil, Mexico
Goods and Services
Sale, License agreement
Patent Information
patent application
The offered storm activity system is the subject of patent application (EPO, USA, Russia, Japan, India, China, Korea, Canada, Brazil, Mexico). EPO patent has been granted.

The invention is still being developed at the Astronomical Observatory at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University.

Currently, the Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and University Development (CITTRU) is looking for companies and institutions interested in t

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