
Method and Apparatus for Detecting Specific DNA Sequences

An apparatus for detecting the presence of a microorganism in a sample includes a housing that includes a base fixed with a first DNA primer having a nucleotide sequence that is complementary to a DNA sequence of the microorganism of interest, a fibrinogen-splitting agent that is bound with a second DNA primer having a nucleotide sequence that is also complementary to a DNA sequence of the microorganism of interest, a rinsing unit configured to rinse the housing; and a fibrinogen adding unit configured to add fibrinogen to the housing so that the fibrinogen chemically reacts with the fibrinogen-splitting agent to produce a viscous substance, an ultrasonic emitter configured to emit ultrasonic signal to the housing, and an ultrasonic receiver configured to receive ultrasonic signal from the housing and transmit the received ultrasonic signal to an ultrasonic analyzer, wherein the ultrasonic analyzer determines whether the microorganism of interest exists.
Patent Number: US8263388B2
Application Number: US2010813488A
Inventor: Lo, Chun Lap Samuel | Or, Derek Siu Wing
Priority Date: 10 Jun 2010
Priority Number: US8263388B2
Application Date: 10 Jun 2010
Publication Date: 11 Sep 2012
IPC Current: C12M000100 | C12Q000156 | C12Q000168
US Class: 4352831 | 43500611 | 435013
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Title: Method and apparatus for detecting specific DNA sequences
Usefulness: Method and apparatus for detecting specific DNA sequences
Summary: Device for detecting microorganisms in a DNA sample.
Novelty: Device for detecting microorganisms in DNA sample, has ultrasonic analyzer determining whether sample comprises microorganism of interest on basis of ultrasonic signal received, where ultrasonic receiver receives ultrasonic signal
DNA /基因工程
LO Chun Lap Samuel
OR Siu Wing

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