氧化是將石油化學基的原料轉化成更高氧化狀態的通用化學品的核心技術。然而,氧化反應對環境提出了一些極大的挑戰。許多工業氧化方法涉及重金屬或​​腐蝕性試劑,並且耗能高。例如,對苯二甲酸是前50種化學品之一,年產40萬公噸,也依賴於氧化反應。本發明的目的是, 在進行化學品生產過程中,通過避免使用有毒的試劑,減少或甚至避免使用揮發性有機溶劑, 同時提高能源效率, 盡量減少對環境的負面影響。綠色氧化草案已經成立,它可與現時行業所採用的技術媲美。一個很好的例子,證實進行對二甲苯的氧化生產苯二甲酸時, 可使用水作某介,而不涉及重金屬試劑。 [更多]
This is a novel device and method for uniform cellular manipulation with economies of scale and operational uniformity. It introduces a multi-channel mechanical damaging device which is used for damaging cells and which comprises a pin support body, a plurality of pins, which are arranged in paralle..... [更多]
市民大眾經常暴露在形形色色、不同濃度的環境污染物之中, 其中無所不在、惡名遠揚的二噁英,是一類氯代含氧三環烴化合物,共包含二百一十種同系物,劇毒無比。二噁英主要來自於製藥、其它工業的加工生產、城市垃圾焚化及車輛排放等等。這類型的污染物具環境滯溜性,並能在生物體內積存及引發癌症。環境污染治理是防止二噁英危害市民的有效手段,同時,製作二噁英拮抗物質用於預防中毒, 亦是減輕或甚至消除二噁英對人體健康危害的有效途徑。本發明涉及一種新穎靛藍衍生物及其提取方法,以及其作為二噁英拮抗劑在腫瘤預防中的應用。 [更多]
The technology aims at authenticating artwork, such as a painting by analyzing the elemental composition of the pigments. Lasers are used to analyze the pigments on the substrate via the vaporization of a small amount of the pigment (i.e. nano grams) by a laser pulse. The dense and exploding vapor..... [更多]
This new technology is very important for manufacturing industries such as thin film, electronic and optical devices, and solar panels. The present patent application is directed to a method and an apparatus for measuring the amount of material removed from a target in pulsed laser ablation. [更多]
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