本发明涉及一种健胃药物,它的活性成分是由山楂、大枣(去核)、广藿香、紫苏梗、炒麦芽的有效提取物组成。本发明所述药物的制备方法是将用于提取的原料在5~10倍量的水中浸泡0.5~2小时后,煎煮三次,每次1~2小时,过滤,合并滤液,滤液浓缩,于浓缩物中边搅拌边加入乙醇直至含醇量50~90%,充分搅拌,室温静置12~36小时,抽滤,浓缩滤液,再将浓缩液中加入乙醇进行醇沉,如此共醇沉两次,将最后一次浓缩的滤液经紫外-可见分光光度计含量测定干浸膏总黄酮含量以芦丁计每克中不得低于35mg,该浓缩浸膏为所述药物的活性成分;最后将所得活性成分与辅料混合而制成各种口服制剂,每克制剂的总黄酮含量以芦丁计不得低于8%..... [更多]
The utility model relates to a filter, comprising at lest one filtering unit, the filtering unit is provided with a filtering channel, the filtering channel is provided with an inlet and an outlet, the utility model is characterized in that the filtering unit comprises at least one groove, the groov..... [更多]
The present invention provides a novel potassium-sodium niobate zirconium barium titanate series leadless piezoelectric ceramic composition which comprises perovskite type piezoelectrics KNaNbO3 and strong ferroelectrics Ba(TiZr)O3, the general formula is represented by (1-z)(KNa)NbO3-zBa(TiZr)O3, i..... [更多]
Mode photonic crystal fiber comprises a core of a substantially transparent material having a core. Said core material having a core refractive index and length, and having a core diameter. Surrounding said optical fiber further comprises a core material at the outer cladding region. The cladding re..... [更多]
Tags: optics
The present invention discloses a phase lead compensation network, power converters, and closed-loop control system, the phase lead compensation network is provided in the power converter closed-loop control system, the closed loop control system further comprises: power converter and control module..... [更多]
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