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Failure to decompress a tension pneumothorax is a well-recognised cause of avoidable, early trauma deaths. Alfred Health and Monash University have developed an innovative device to safely deliver rapid and successful pleural decompression in trauma care settings. The Semi-automated Pleural Decompre..... [Detail]
2-4 micron laser pump light converted to 5-12 micron wavelengths using synthetic diamond. [Detail]
We have developed an ultra-thin device for conversion of light frequencies from infrared to visible wavelengths. This technology can be applied as a film to any glass surface and allows us to overcome many of the limitations of current night vision technologies. [Detail]
A series of novel and potent inhibitors of the histone acetyltransferase monocytic zinc finger leukaemia proteinMOZ (MYST3, KAT6A) with potential application in treating cancers [Detail]
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