A cost effective and efficient energy storage system based on thermal energy. The system closes the gap in operating temperatures, using novel Phase Change Materials to link an Organic Rankine Engine with renewable energy sources.
Q-switched (pulsed) crystalline Raman laser. Also applicable to continuous wave (CW) operation
A novel configuration for high performance Lithium-Sulfur battery & Li-ion capacitor hybrid device
New-generation polymyxins that target multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. The lead candidate novel lipopeptide antibiotic is in advanced preclinical development and has demonstrated superior in vivo efficacy and safety over currently used polymyxin antibiotics.
A highly efficient and selective ammonia production process based on electrolysis at ambient temperature and pressure. Novel electrocatalysts combined with a novel electrolyte offer high efficiency with opportunities for recycling and/or on-demand production.
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