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PCT No. PCT/CA91/00009 Sec. 371 Date Jul. 13, 1992 Sec. 102(e) Date Jul. 13, 1992 PCT Filed Jan. 11, 1991 PCT Pub. No. WO91/10734 PCT Pub. Date Jul. 25, 1991The identification, isolation and cloning of DNA sequences coding for mutant forms of the cystic fibrosis gene and their gene product are descr..... [更多]
The cystic fibrosis gene and its gene product are described for mutant forms. The genetic and protein information is used in developing DNA diagnosis, protein diagnosis, carrier and patient screening, cloning of the gene and manufacture of the protein, and development of cystic fibrosis affected ani..... [更多]
113 The cystic fibrosis gene and its gene product are described for the 507 mutant form. The genetic and protein information is used in developing DNA diagnosis, protein diagnosis, carrier and patient screening, cloning of the gene and manufacture of the protein, and development of cystic fibrosis a..... [更多]
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