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Kaare Probst Madsen, who has invented a thermos with an improved ability to keep liquid hot or cold. The enhanced functionality of the thermos is achieved by means of a floating plug inside the thermos flask, which serves as a barrier between the hot fluid and the cold air above the liquid, otherwis..... [更多]
Since the invention of the motor vehicle the hand steering wheel has been a major injury contact source in crashes causing horrific injuries and deaths by its solid rim on a global scale. Protective Steering Ltd has conceptually designed and patented, the first ever-smart controlled hand steering wh..... [更多]
By licensing or part taking in the development of our new smart adaptive hand steering wheel safety technology, your company will gain a special access to the local and global auto industry market and receive exceptional levels of return on investment. This result will be largely secured by the auto..... [更多]
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