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The present invention relates to an insect repellant fabric and a method for making the same. The method of making the, comprises the steps of dissolving a polysaccharide compound in an aqueous solution; heating said solution; adding a prytheroid mixture to said solution; initiating graft polymeriza..... [更多]
肠易激综合征 (IBS)是一种痛苦而又难以治愈的胃肠功能紊乱性疾患,临床表现为腹痛、腹胀、排便习惯和大便性状异常。这是一种持续存在或间歇发作、缺乏形态学和生化学异常改变的症候群。多见于中青年,女性约为男性的2倍。流行医学研究表明,美国有14%的成年男人和27%的成年妇女发生有IBS症状。在香港也约有13%的成年男人和21%的成年妇女有IBS症状。 IBS是普通科和肠胃专科门诊最常见病种之一。到目前为止,IBS的临床治疗,包括有多种治疗方法,如传统的化学药物、饮食调节、心理咨询等等,但是,至今尚没有十分有效以及根治的方法。鲁比前列酮、阿洛司琼、颅痛定、泻痢停等都是常用的、疗效比较显著的西方药物,..... [更多]
Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a major problem in cancer chemotherapy. The best characterized resistance mechanism is the one mediated by the over- expression of drug efflux transporters, permeability-glycoprotein (P-gp), which pump a variety of anticancer drugs out of the cells, resulting in lowered..... [更多]
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