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The present invention provides a vehicles safety enhancement system. It aims to analyze the severity of the collision. The accidents or potential hazardous actions are first categorized into 4 severity levels. By the increase in severity levels, they are a) Sudden slowdown, b) Slight bumping, c) A..... [更多]
Methods and kits are provided for diagnosing, monitoring, or predicting preeclaimpsia in a pregnant woman, trisomy 18 and trisomy 21 in a fetus, as well as for detecting pregnancy in a woman, by quantitatively measuring in the maternal blood the amount of one or more RNA species derived from a set o..... [更多]
The present invention relates generally to an expression system for processing, targeting and stable accumulation of these target proteins in transgenic plant seeds. The method provides a general strategy in which unique transmembrane and cytoplasmic tail sequences are used as anchors for deliverin..... [更多]
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