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警隊精英呂明哲 (劉德華 飾) 為逮捕犯罪團夥頭目曹楠 (胡軍 飾) 處心積慮且不擇手段,幾欲到手之際竟被兒時好友、慣犯陶成邦 (林家棟 飾) 攪局。陶為贏回對其品行徹底失望的女友燕冰 (姚晨 飾),求呂為其過往捏造臥底身份,並助其破案,最後甚至不惜出賣同夥。風暴過後,二人卻驚覺更陷渾沌… [更多]
Pretty undergraduate Tiffany started compensated dating, considering it a personal choice and has nothing to do with ethics. But the move she took just proves what she learns in Economics - every choice has an opportunity cost. [更多]
Mystically epic, cruelly real.In 1944, an action called Operation Kill Ma was performed by the Japanese army. Ever victorious general Ma Derui and his troops were destroyed unexpectedly and his Body was missing in mystery. Ten years later, people find his body, as wellas an amazing fact, Ma was kill..... [更多]
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