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Body Brush for Generating Virtual 3D Paintings


The "Body-Brush" is a genuine marrying of art and the technology of computer vision. It creates a human-computer interface that transforms human body gestures into 3-D paintings in real-time. The idea was inspired by Jackson Pollock’s "action painting". The interface consists of a novel body motion capturing and analyzing system, and virtual canvas space filled with virtual 3-D color-path-brushstrokes generated by the painter's movement over the 3-D canvas. The Body Brush technology has recently been combined with traditional art therapy to create a new dimension in psychotherapy, known as Smart Ambience Therapy. It 1) helps clients address negative feelings and low self-esteem resulting from abuse; 2) provides an environment for communication and a creative emotional outlet for clients; and 3) creates a unique process of accessing one's internal world through kinaesthetic movement.

Gold Medal in the 35th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products in Geneva



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