By the composition of the invention, it is possible to create a plurality of micro-crates in the face. The micro-crates are formed by edges of micro depressions and/or micro-crevices, and together they provide a high quantity of relatively sharp but non-abrasive engagement surfaces which enhance the..... [更多]
By the composition of the invention, it is possible to create a plurality of micro-crates in the face. The micro-crates are formed by edges of micro depressions and/or micro-crevices, and together they provide a high quantity of relatively sharp but non-abrasive engagement surfaces which enhance the..... [更多]
our formulation is on the market with the trademark NOVIR. Trademark is registered on my name, Erdal Can Alkoclar as the 16 patents which currently protects our intellectual property rights. This product is an effective anti-viral treatment specially formulated for influenza but may possess required..... [更多]
NOVIR has the simultenaous ability to suppress DNA polymerase, ribonucleotide reductase and reverse transcriptase via rapid and simultenaous upregulation of tissue spesific cAMP and cGMP expression which leads to the potent suppression of above mentioned viral enzmyes. At the same time NOVIR has the..... [更多]
The Safe nCosy Blanket System is an improved safety bedding system for a cot comprising a multipurpose safety blanket for infants made up of a size adjustable blanket, an anchor fastenable to an anchor point on the cot for holding the blanket in situ in the cot and attachment means for releasably at..... [更多]
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