An portable tracking device integrating a mobile phone module (e.g. based on GSM or 3G networks), a GPS module, a radio Beacon and ultrasonic beacon. The tracking device is normally in a hibernated state when the entire device consumes little energy and require no periodically changing or recharging..... [更多]
Wireless networks have been widely deployed in recent years to provide high-speed Internet access to mobile users. In traditional IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs, all users directly connect to an access point (AP) and all packets are forwarded by the AP. This leads to limited coverage, low load-balancing ..... [更多]
本发明涉及一种提高免疫力的中药及其制备方法。其特点是将西洋参粉碎成粗粉,乙醇浸泡后再用乙醇渗漉,回收乙醇,得浸膏;另取白术和何首乌,加水浸泡,换用乙醇渗漉,减压回收乙醇,得浸膏;再取茯苓和枸杞子,加水煎煮,合并煎煮液,减压浓缩,用乙醇醇沉,弃上清液,取沉淀物得浸膏;将上述三种浸膏合并干燥,粉成细粉,就制成了本发明药物的活性组分。 [更多]
The disposable and degradable synthetic fibres for textile industry are non-plant based oxo-biodegradable material. The oxo-degradation of synthetic fibres such as polyester is firstly initialised by the synergistic interactions among two or more transition metals. After the degradation by metals t..... [更多]
This solution is a collaboration between the LSCM R&D Centre, HKUST and Openplatform Technology Company Limited. It uses a mesh network to extend the coverage range of existing Wi-Fi by multi-hop. The mesh network is a self-adaptive network with failure resilience for complete and high speed connect..... [更多]
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