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The invention relates to a two-dimension displacement estimation method of elasticity imaging, which comprises the following steps: carrying out two-dimension initial displacement estimation on a first radio frequency frame and a second radio frequency frame of an ultrasonic pattern to be treated by..... [更多]
一种机织织物由疏水性和亲水性材料的通常均匀机织的结构组成,并且具有疏水性和亲水性材料的内部和外部暴露表面。内部暴露表面的区域为40%至70%疏水性材料,并且外部暴露表面的区域主要是亲水性材料。 [更多]
The invention provides a cascade controller with analog single-phase active power filter, which includes a control circuit and connected to the main circuit, the control circuit includes a first proportional integral controller, a multiplier, a subtractor, feedforward control , a second PI controlle..... [更多]
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