本发明公开了一种具有自动供水和实时排汗率测量系统的人体模型,该系统包括:一人体模型;一容器,其内容置有水,所述容器通过一导管与该人体模型的内部导通,一质量计,设置在该容器的下方,可实时测量该容器中水的重量;其中,所述容器设置在高于所述人体模型的一位置,从而所述容器中的水可以在虹吸力的作用下,自动供应给该人体模型。另外,通过实时读取该质量计的读数,可据以计算出该人体模型的排汗率。本发明通过降低维护该人体模型的频率而极大地简化了操作。其实时测量水分散失的功能可方便容易地检测该人体模型的动态响应,同时提高了测量精度。 [更多]
一种具温度补偿的水泥结构应变测量传感器,该传感器具有布拉格光纤光栅,埋入混凝土中后,该传感器能同时测出混凝土的机械负载和温度影响,不须任何外覆隔层故具有小的尺寸因而能贴近混凝土的表面而提高测量精度。本传感器包括:水泥或环氧树脂制的有盲孔的外壳;在外壳前端用不锈钢或聚合物材料制成的前套管;在外壳后端用不锈钢或聚合物材料制成的和前套管同轴螺接的后套管;在两套管中的在两套管包覆部位制有布拉格光栅的光纤;在外壳进口用以连接套管中的光纤和外部光纤的光纤接头。装配时前套管和其内部的光纤用环氧树脂粘固成一体。外壳可在其内部各件装配妥当后最后灌制,以便和前套管固定连接而不会产生相对活动。 [更多]
Tags: sensor
The present invention relates to a positioning system and method for hierarchical, using the information server and the master device connected thereto, from the device, the information server information including location information database to track and alarm modules, the master device includes ..... [更多]
A use of radio frequency identification technology reference positioning system, comprising: a plurality of RFID reference tags, fixed to the coverage of the system within the fixture; plurality of RFID tag object, disposed on the object positioned want; plurality of mobile RFID reader, set on a mob..... [更多]
A method for identifying a person using their finger-joint print including the outer skin around the proximal interphalangeal joint of a finger, the method comprising: capturing (10) an image of the finger-joint print of the person; extracting (12) a region of interest (ROI) based on a local convexi..... [更多]
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