III-nitride compound semiconductors have the merits of wide band gap, high breakdown field, and large thermal conductivity, which results in well designed AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors. This transistor is capable of high temperature operation, suitable for high temperature integr..... [更多]
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), estimating nodal positions is important for routing efficiency and position-based services. Making use of position information data can be sent in a controlled manner subjected to application dependent requirements (e.g. minimizing transmission power or distance)...... [更多]
This invention is related to a method of formation of nanoporous titania films. These films are useful in electrochromic displays, catalysis and as electrodes in battery and fuel cells. [更多]
The present invention presents the construction of electrodes for liquid-crystal cells using metal-induced laterally crystallized (MILC) polycrystalline silicon (Poly-Si), and the integration of these electrodes in the construction of thin-film transistors. MILC poly-Si. This is shown to possess ad..... [更多]
Display is a large yet still rapidly expanding market, especially for flat-panel display which is tremendously important and will soon become a dominating segment of the display industry. However, current liquid crystal display types: transmissive LCD and reflective LCD are having serious problems w..... [更多]
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