Florganica trademark was created for the cosmetics industry. The name is easy to remember and pronounce in different languages. Perfect for natural and organic cosmetics. "Flor" has "floral", "plant-derived" connotations. "Organica" is pure, environment friendly, free from harsh chemicals. Wonderful..... [更多]
Florganica trademark was created for the cosmetics industry. The name is easy to remember and pronounce in different languages. Perfect for natural and organic cosmetics. "Flor" has "floral", "plant-derived" connotations. "Organica" is pure, environment friendly, free from harsh chemicals. Wonderful..... [更多]
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Wound healing involves a series of integrated physiological processes, which are fragile and susceptible to interruption or failure leading to the formation of chronic non-healing wounds. Complete healing rates for diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers or pressure ulcers remain low and therefore n..... [更多]
The material may be used in mechanical engineering, oil-and-gas production, chemical industry,metallurgy and other field as a structural material operating in extremely aggressive media. [更多]
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