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Title: High Strength Geo-Foam Invention: This technology is a lightweight, sprayable geopolymer foam with increased strength and mechanical properties. This material has various applications including hot/cold insulation, fire retardant, corrosion protection and many more. Background: Geopolymer foa..... [更多]
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Purdue University researchers have developed super strong adhesives by incorporating lactic acid with mussel adhesive chemistry. Lactic acid, which can be derived from corn, enables the incorporation of a sustainable monomer into the backbone and is FDA approved for internal use in humans, opening t..... [更多]
Introduction Currently, there is a great interest in using plant biomass, instead of grain, to produce ethanol. Starch can easily be used to make ethanol and would improve ethanol production from cellulose. In most plants, though, starch accumulated during the day is usually broken down each night, ..... [更多]
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