Tissue engineering based on stem cells and matrices have major difficulties due to the inability of 3D cellular structures (cells on scaffold) to integrate, survive and repair the damaged target tissues. Injected single cells also survive poorly and can hardly integrate in tissues. Efficient trans..... [更多]
Immunotherapy, that is the use of the immune system to treat cancer, is currently a leading candidate in the combat against cancer. Unlike the toxic effects of both chemotherapy and radiation, immunotherapy is considered to have mild side effects due to its ability to differentiate between healthy a..... [更多]
Monoclonal antibodies for Isoflavones, leukotrienes, biotin and human and veterinary drugs. May be used for monitoring drug additives in food providing animals for veterinary use and for the food industry. [更多]
The Glaucoma Implant is a new shunt that eliminates the complications created by devices currently in use and it may eliminate the need for repeat surgeries. It is small in size, easy to implant and thus causes less discomfort for the patient and results in faster recovery time. For hospitals and HM..... [更多]
Current approaches for detecting tunnels, activities in tunnels or tunnel excavation include electromagnetic induction sensors or acoustic ones to detect mechanical waves, and radar-type waves propagating between two boreholes. All of the approaches mentioned above are limited to large tunnels (>1m ..... [更多]
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