A cable-driven manipulator can precisely manipulate tools and loads using position, velocity and force control modes. The manipulator includes a plurality of cables (2 or more) that are independently controlled by modular, winch drive-mechanisms and coordinated to achieve intuitive manipulator movem.....
The Problem 400 million Indians and 1.6 billion worldwide lack access to the electricity grid. They are already spending $50+ billion per year on lousy solutions, such as kerosene fuel for small lanterns. The good news is that effective decentralized energy solutions already exist, such as household.....
Mobile greenhouses may be constructed from recycled standard shipping containers in order to create semi-closed-loop aquaponic growth systems. Stage of development: At usable levelProject Record: Our Pennsylvania LLC specializes in aquaponic production in urban agricultural design, but this early-st.....
To effectively utilize a high-molecular weight material containing acrylonitrile-styrene or acrylonitrile-styrene-conjugated diene or one of their used materials as a higher additional value substance. The objective method of producing soil conditioner comprises and acid treatment step where a ploly.....
Functions and use: Solar energy-based water pumping and irrigation Technical information: Flow: 8 to16 m3/h, lift: 36-60m, and power: 3kw Scope of application: Rural and pastoral regions Technological features: Development of low carbon economy and the use of clean energy
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