Functions and use: Hybrid rice variety offers high yield, good adaptability and resistance to pests and can increase yield to over 20 percent more than that of conventional rice. Hybrid rice variety supporting plantation technology can improve both yield and efficiency.Technical information: (1)Hybr.....
working with wind energy that can be mounted on the glass wall ventilation shaft.Stage of development: At usable level
SOLUTION: A well hole 42 is dug in a contaminated region up to the depth below the surface of underground water and first and second perforated vertical conduits 53, 44 are introduced into the well hole up to the depth below the surface of underground water in a doubly arranged state and first and s.....
The expectation for next-generation mobility is growing in the measure about low carbonation and the smart community of a transportation section. The super-light weight small mobility ULV which made it the concept 'to be under an automobile more than a bicycle' is developed. The number is acquired b.....
The present methods of extraction,re cycling, segregation,shredding, incineration, land filling or disposal into the ocean bed are costly, inadequate, inefficient,time consuming,cause leaching, are non environment friendly in both the Organized Sector and un Organized Sector after treatment or detox.....
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