This device controls the initial tongue on the motor to allow a slow start that is, reduced tongue oscillation and reduces energy consumption by enhancing the motor litre.Stage of development: At usable level [更多]
Tags: process
Two novel phosphorus recovery processes, which effectively enable the reuse of recovered phosphorus as a resource, have been developed. These processes have been designed with full consideration given on the specific characteristics (sewage components, chemical concentrations, flow rates, etc.) of w..... [更多]
Solar PV powered Industrial Park. The power for the industrial park will be provided by a 5MW solar PV plant. Excess power not used by sold to the grid to power a local school and trading center. It is assumed that the industrial park will utilize 500KW of this 5MW plant. [更多]
Photovoltaic (PV) devices comprising silicon (Si) nanowires as active PV elements, wherein such devices are typically thin film Si solar cells. Generally, such solar cells are of the p-i-n type and can be fabricated for front and/or backside (i.e., top and/or bottom) illumination. Methods of making ..... [更多]
Use of simple design blade with magnetic induction to generate an EMF voltage. The rotors drive magnets to create a magnetic flux which is cut by the blade causing an induced voltage which causes flow of current.A 6 ft diameter rotor for electric generation made of three blades and light in weight i..... [更多]
Tags: process
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