This technology has been identified by KOTEC(Korea Technology Finance Corporation) for WIPO GREEN's project in waste water treatment sector. Any request for contacting the technology provider will be facilitated by KOTEC.- Using 57 kinds of microorganism- Effective in removing a layer of green algae.....
Solar PV powered Industrial Park. The power for the industrial park will be provided by a 5MW solar PV plant. Excess power not used by sold to the grid to power a local school and trading center. It is assumed that the industrial park will utilize 500KW of this 5MW plant.
Affinity sensors are being used in practice for the detection and quantification of target molecules in complex mixtures by affinity-based interactions. Since the said method is inexpensive and fast besides enables label-free detection and low sample consumption, there is an effort for enhancement o.....
Oil is extracted from hedge planted by farmers and the extracted oil is used as fuel for the Akimba Lamp.
The invention proposed herein offers an in-situ process for the generation of metal nanoparticles supported on polymeric nanofibers. Although there are technologies for the generation of this type of catalytic nanofibers already known in the literature, these methods can only be achieved by addition.....
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