In the past, unbelief was the result of ignorance. But recently unbelief, rejection, and denial have been attitudes of those who consider themselves knowledgeable in all fields, who claim to accept and believe only on rational or scientific grounds. Cloa作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile.....
In the past, unbelief was the result of ignorance. But recently unbelief, rejection, and denial have been attitudes of those who consider themselves knowledgeable in all fields, who claim to accept and believe only on rational or scientific grounds. Cloa作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile.....
大肚婆也可以去旅行!BB出世了,未學行先學走,足跡遍布東南亞各處勝地!孕媽媽帶著BB遊遍台灣、北海道、東莞、曼谷、布吉、澳門、吉隆坡沙巴、惠州、北京《BB遊世界》是一本「親子生活全體驗,東南亞食玩買DIY手冊」,加送136頁全彩色精美東南亞風景相集作者/Author: 陳婉文出版社/Publisher: Systech Technology & Media Services Ltd
Second edition This collection of speeches explains the principal elements of Islam belief in the existence and Unity of God, in resurrection and the Day of Judgment, in the Divine Scriptures, as well as other familiar themes of Islamic discourse. Fethull作者/Author: Fethullah Gulen出版社/Publisher: Nile.....
This collection of articles from various Turkish scholars discusses the recent wave of terrorism and offers a critical opinion of suicide bombers. They present the majority view that suicide bombing and terrorism are in fact condemned in Islam. Ergün Çapa作者/Author: Ergun Capan出版社/Publisher: Nile Pub.....
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