Method to improve selection of sperm for use in In Vitro Fertilization by detecting and removing sperm that look healthy but are damaged, leaving only truly healthy sperm. [更多]
This technology relates to a scalable potentiostat sensor array (Cornell invention D-3878), which has now been integrated with polarizable on-chip electrodes and demonstrated for use in measuring single vesicle transmitter release events. [更多]
Cornell researchers have developed a micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) based invention that can be used as a means for identifying physical objects. [更多]
Title: New therapy to prevent venom induced coagulopathy  Invention: The invention is the use of iron and carbon monoxide to increase clot formation after venomous snake bite. Venom exposure impairs the blood’s ability to clot. Serious complications may result in life threatening hemorrhage. This ne..... [更多]
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