The adaptive controller makes it possible to optimally use value-continuous manipulated variables in a closed-loop control even if only one value-based measured variable is available. The algorithm of the adaptive controller causes the manipulated variable no longer oscillates between a minimum and ..... [更多]
The adaptive controller makes it possible to optimally use value-continuous manipulated variables in a closed-loop control even if only one value-based measured variable is available. The algorithm of the adaptive controller causes the manipulated variable no longer oscillates between a minimum and ..... [更多]
African Pot is drinking water that is flavored by storing it in a smoked clay pot. [更多]
AGIDC- For the primary control in power plants and decentralized converters, an impendance-dependent static function in general form is provided, which enables a dynamic adaptation to the grid-standby conditions. AGIDC helps to increase the efficiency of the coupling and the network stability and th..... [更多]
A new way of designing and constructing surfaces is a layer of gas even under changing pressure conditions. Structured, non-wettable surfaces are used for various applications. The surfaces of the lattice structures are liquid-repellent and in particular hydrophobic as well as oleophobic. [更多]
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