The life-saving strategy that we propose is based on the use of blood Glu scavenging agents for the treatment acute neurodegenerative conditions in which the excess Glu present in the brain interstitial fluid is thought to trigger neuronal cell death and its accompanying neuropathological sequelae. ..... [更多]
Stem cells are potentially the ultimate source of transplantable cells for many different tissues. These cells seem to have an unlimited capacity to propagate in culture conditions, while remaining undifferentiated. Furthermore, upon differentiation these cells can transform into many cell types. St..... [更多]
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have limited flight endurance and also limited communications capabilities. Flight duration (or endurance) is presently bounded by the limited available energy storage (fuel or batteries) on the UAVs. Communication speeds are limited by the RF links now on UAVs, havi..... [更多]
The geometry of crystals, bones and other natural objects can appear random. But they possess characteristic patterns which help attain beneficial features, such as aesthetics or structural strength. It is possible to generate such patterns in 2D, using a sample pattern for reference. These methods ..... [更多]
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